My name is Vicki Koster and my husband John is running for Congress. I would like to tell you about my husband.
I’ve known John for nearly 47 years. We met when we were 14, when John’s family had a small family farm. Our courtship was storybook perfect—I was the Homecoming Queen and he was a star football player at Arlington High School. After dating John throughout high school, we married right after graduating.
That was 1970—we’ve now been married for 41 years and have four grown children and 9 grandchildren.
There are so many things I could say about John. He’s been a devoted husband and I simply could not have dreamed of a better father to our four children.
But while our courtship was storybook perfect, our life together hasn’t always been easy. Like most working families we experienced some lean times—and there were days when it was all we could do to keep the farm going and pay the bills.
You learn a lot about a man’s character during the difficult times. I can say with absolute honesty that I am blessed to have had John by my side during those times. Never once did John complain about having to work so hard, never once did he think about giving up. Never once did he demonstrate anything but commitment to putting in an honest, hard day’s work to provide for his family.
There are many things I love and respect about John, but tops on the list are his honesty and his principled nature. John is the most honest, ethical and straightforward man I have ever met. Like it or not, you always know where John stands on an issue—it simply is not in his nature to double talk.
So when John says he is running for Congress because he is concerned with the future of this great country, you can believe it. John truly believes he owes it to future generations—his and yours—to do what is right for America.
He knows it will be hard, and likely thankless, work. But having spent most of his life working on a farm, John knows what hard work is, and he has never let it deter him from his goals. And I can promise John will never put concerns with staying in office over voting his conscience.
I truly believe we need more leaders like John. If every elected official adopted his no-nonsense, honest approach to political issues, I don’t think our country would be grappling with many of the issues that threaten us today.
I hope you will support John for Congress. He is a man of his word and a man of great integrity. I think he is exactly what the 1st Congressional District needs.
God Bless You.
Vicki Koster