Our thriving economy requires energy, and plenty of it. This includes oil, coal, nuclear, and hydroelectric systems. Alternative energy sources like wind, solar and bio fuels should be encouraged. We should continue to utilize our abundant and affordable fuel sources until free market technology and innovation provide realistic and affordable solutions to our energy needs.
I have grave concerns with the staggering costs of Cap-and-Trade regulations and their potential to cripple our struggling economy.
Reasonable safety regulation for the use and extraction of energy resources is appropriate for the benefit of both the workers and the public. Likewise reasonable environmental regulation is appropriate. But the perfect must not become the enemy of the good, and regulation must not be allowed to stifle or shut down the U.S. economy.
Our dependence on foreign oil is both unnecessary and unwise, and seriously undermines our national security. We need to drill for oil on American lands - and do it now. This will simultaneously defund our enemies and put Americans to work. We have huge oil deposits and the proper technology to extract oil responsibly.
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